BNR exchange 16.02.2025
1 EURO = 4.9771 LEI
1 USD = 4.755 LEI
1 GBP = 5.9799 LEI
1 CHF = 5.2715 LEI


VR Business Capital announces the development of a new residential project, through the purchase of an ultra-centrally positioned building, on Povernei street in district 1, Bucharest.

This investment represents a high quality property purchase opportunity, adjacent to the area's main points of interest. It is also part of the company's strategy to engage in transforming and modernizing buildings in a state of decline, considering it absolutely necessary to offer a privileged position to this sector of activity.

With a total area of 360 sqm, the construction will be approximately 780 sqm, divided S + P + 3 ER + M, summing a number of 4 apartments with premium finishes, which will symbolize a modern, innovative, boutique-type concept.

Estimated date for finalization project: 2025



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