BNR exchange 16.02.2025
1 EURO = 4.9771 LEI
1 USD = 4.755 LEI
1 GBP = 5.9799 LEI
1 CHF = 5.2715 LEI

VR Business Capital has purchased a house in the center of Bucharest

VR Capital is moving forward with an expansion of real estate investments, this time choosing a totally different project, in the center of Bucharest. The new 244sqm property is located on Justitiei street no 46, district 4, Bucharest.

The building is old and needs to be totally renovated, therefore the goal is to convert it into 3 luxury apartments. According to the plan, the project will be finished almost 2 years, so the apartments will be sold by end of 2024.

Victor Angelescu, Managing Director of VR Business Capital, stated: “This type of acquisition is something new for us, VR Capital continues to see an increasing number of attractive mid-market real estate investment opportunities in Romania. This time we wanted to challenge ourselves by adding value to a very old but special building. We stay faithful to our mission to put to advantage any type of Real Estate projects.”



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