BNR exchange 16.02.2025
1 EURO = 4.9771 LEI
1 USD = 4.755 LEI
1 GBP = 5.9799 LEI
1 CHF = 5.2715 LEI

VR Business Capital announces a new acquisition in Valea Prahovei

Situated just a few kilometers away from Poiana Brașov, an area of national interest, in the top mountain destinations preferred by tourists, the surface ensures the possibility of developing a large-scale project.

Due to the transaction that will be included in the Special Situations area, VR Capital together with its investors accelerate the growth of the business.

The land has 79,000 square meters and it’s located near Trei Brazi chalet, representing different touristic opportunities. It is unique due to its excellent position and panorama.

Robert Machidon, Managing Director of VR Business Capital: "The purchase intention was generated by the enormous potential of the area and also by the land dimensions. The project will be one of great proportions and represents a new direction for our company."



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