BNR exchange 16.02.2025
1 EURO = 4.9771 LEI
1 USD = 4.755 LEI
1 GBP = 5.9799 LEI
1 CHF = 5.2715 LEI

VR Business Capital becomes Turnaround Advisory partner holding 40% of the company

VR BUSINESS CAPITAL announces the investment in Turnaround Advisory, a new company specialized in financial consulting services.

Turnaround Advisory is managed by people with solid experience in the field, who will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Specialized in turnaround management, with focus on insolvency management, in/out of court restructuring and distressed asset management, the company concentrates its effort on identifying the best option in every situation, to support the restructuring processes, but also to maximize the values and goals.

Turnaround Advisory will apply different operational and management models for different assets and market segments in order to determine the timing for disposal value and associated costs. Turnaround Advisory will deep dive into all key aspects of your business positions in order to find, design and deliver ground-breaking solutions, to support and increase complexity of businesses and to respond to new challenges with diversity and fresh perspective.

The partnership with VR Business Capital will provide significant growth capital, operational and financial support. VR Capital shall actively contribute to the development, management and positioning of Turnaround Advisory on the Romanian market.

Robert Machidon, Managing Director VR Business Capital, commented: „We are very excited to partner with Turnaround Advisory. This investment represents an important chapter in developing our private equity goals. Our extensive knowledge in the financial market combined with ability to provide flexible and tailored solutions help us to design and offer best services to our clients and partners.”

Igor Drangoi, Founder of Turnaround Advisory, commented: „We are very happy to partner with a strong entrepreneurial mindset team as VR Capital, a team with considerable experience in the financial sector. We know that this partership will help us to demonstrate our ability in order to identify value in a sector which may have been previously without meaningful transformation.”

For more information about Turnaround Advisory services, mission and values, please access the link:

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