BNR exchange 20.01.2025
1 EURO = 4.9759 LEI
1 USD = 4.8284 LEI
1 GBP = 5.8939 LEI
1 CHF = 5.298 LEI

Turnaround Advisory

In searching of new projects and opportunities that challenge us, we decided to invest in Turnaround Advisory, a new financial company that promise a lot. This new project highlights the strategy to further expand our horizons and capability for different market segments and customers. This investment represents part of our ambition to create a clear and accurate identity about our private equity goals.

As a professional financial investor, VR Capital will bring both operational expertise and capital to develop and to achieve the potential of Turnaround Advisory specialists.

Igor Drangoi, Founder of Turnaround Advisory commented: “I am very happy about partnering with VR Capital because they have significant experience in the financial market. In addition, I am sure that this partnership will create opportunities and accelerate the growth of the company."

For more information, please click here:


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